This is our (sometimes) daily log of our crazy life! It's a circus most of the time,but it's ours!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Craziness at the Skidgel house!
My Husband and i actually had a date night last night. Thanks to Auntie Sticky and Uncle Glenn! We had such a great time. We went out to dinner, watched a movie, and most importantly.....we talked! We never get to do that! LOL.
While we were gone, the kids had a blast! Auntie Mame and Sticky taught the kids how to do "ring around the rosie". They were so cute.
Sickness Update: Brett is doing much better now that he's on antibiotics. Emma on the other hand has a full blown cold now. She's coughing and is feverish. She wanted to eat this morning, but She just felt terrible. She was so torn. LOL. She LOVES her cereal in the morning. She kept looking at the bowl then crying. It was funny.....but not.
Anyway, that's what's going on here. Lots of snots, talking, crying, playing, and Mommy is honestly loving it all!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
My poor Bubbers!
I finally decided to take Brett to see the doctor today. A different doctor actually. He's been sick for almost a month. The amount of snot that's coming out of that boy is just not right. Sorry to be gross but it's true. His doctor said not to worry, it's just a cold. So I was letting run it's course and giving him some Tylenol here and there. But this morning he was really cranky and crying for no apparent reason. He also felt like he had a fever. So I ended up bringing him to the doctor on call. She checked him over and when she tried to look in his ears she couldn't see the drum because of the wax. So what I thought was going to be a simple visit turned into me holding my baby down so they could flush his ears out. WOW! That is not something I want to do ever again. It hurt him and he was pissed off! He only weighs 23lbs....but he's strong when he wants to be.
Anyway, they flushed them and cleaned them all out and he does have an ear infection. Not to mention a sinus infection too. My poor little boy. I felt so bad for him. But he'll be on the medicine starting tonight.
Now my Husband is questioning whether we should switch doctors because our didn't catch it. Is it possible to have that much wax build up in just 5 days??? I don't know. Our pediatrician is old. I'm guessing in his 70's. But he's a trusted member of the community and has been a doctor here for as long as I can remember. I'm not sure what we're going to do. He's taken good care of them for the most part since they came home from the hospital. But....he does do the brush off sometimes. It's a hard call. I guess we just need to weigh the pros and cons.
Other than the ear fiasco, we had a pretty quiet day. We'll see what happens when they get up from their nap.
Oh, and by the way....Grammy is coming home next week! We've missed her so much. Especially Ed. He's going to freak out when he see's her. I can't wait. Be on the lookout for pictures of my brothers face on that day!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Another crazy day!
It's just another crazy day here at the house! The kids all have runny noses now. Ewww! I am sick of snotty tissues. I feel so bad for Brett. The poor boy has trouble eating because his nose is so stuffed. I'm calling the doctor today for him. He needs something more than Tylenol.
The kids were goofy this morning. We went out to the store yesterday and they got new shoes. They are now obsessed with shoes and their winter hats. It's been a while since we got out of the house. It's hard taking them all out by myself. But they are listening much better now so it's a bit easier than it was. I just put them all in the cart and off we go! Here are some of the pics of them this morning. Oh, and we had 5 deer in our backyard this morning. It was pretty cool seeing them. We don't exactly live in the woods.
Well, i'm off to play with kids before lunch. We ARE going outside for a walk today. It's going to be 42 and sunny! That's good enough for a nice walk before nap.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Recent pictures
I love naps! Atleast today I do!
Well, it's nap time here! Thank God! They are little terrors today. Carley and Brett escaped out onto the deck this morning on me. And Emma is loving the computer desk today. Ugggh! I was going to take them out but nap time crept up on us. And as every Mother knows, naps rule!
So maybe after nap. We'll see. I'm going to switch the laundry and then sit down for a bit.
So maybe after nap. We'll see. I'm going to switch the laundry and then sit down for a bit.
Another cold day in Connecticut!

Well I thought the sickness was finally coming to an end around here...but NO! Josh has had the flu, i've had the flu, Brett's nose has been snottin for 3 weeks now, Emma has a cough and a runny nose, and my Husband and oldest are home today with a stomach bug! Ewwww. This winter has been terrible. I can't wait for the warm weather. I have so much laundry to do it's insane! Thank goodness for Lysol!
The kids kids have been good other than the runny noses. I just can't believe that they are 2! It feels like yesterday I was waiting to take them home from the hospital. They are really fun! I know it will probly get worse though.
Today we are going to bundle up and go outside despite the cold. They have cabin feaver, and so does Mommy. A bit of cold air won't hurt.
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